(Over)consumption animation: heading for a disaster?

Are we inevitably heading for disaster given current (over)consumption trends? What can be done and who needs to do it?

9 Billion



72 Billion

1 kilo

1 litre

230 million tonnes


What do all these figures mean? The choices we make every day effect how the world is the way it is, and why things are the way they are. Our two-part series of animations themed on the topic of consumption seek to question the underlying relationships between ‘us’ as consumers, ‘them’ as producers and the impact that these choices have on the planet.

Check out our new section on Consumption to accompany the animations which includes an introduction to the issue, background info and reference, activities for using the animations, factsheets and other statistical tables and downloads.

How much water is used in order to produce 1kg of beef, for example, or 1kg of chocolate? Should this matter? What does ‘sustainable’ mean within this context? How do the top ten largest food companies compare on these and a host of other social and environmental issues?

More details at https://www.developmenteducation.ie/consumption
